A couple days ago, I read about the 20 dollar donut being sold at Do-Rite Donuts and being the donut adventurer I am, I had to take the plunge.

There are some things you should know that most articles I’ve read do not tell you:

1) They don’t have these donuts in the display case. They have to call the chef up on the Batphone™ to prepare that bad-ass. He comes up with a kit, that has a wrapped truffle (which he encouraged me to smell), New Zealand salt, a block of chocolate, truffle oil, and an olive wood shaver to shave the truffle with. The rest of the people in line don’t know WTF is going on, ‘cause this is donut theater that takes place right there. This production made me feel a bit guilty that I was spending $20 on a donut…but I got over it 😃

The Truffle Donut 2) He starts with a basic raised donut that they do have in the display case, drizzles truffle oil on it, salts it, shaves chocolate, and the final pièce de résistance, the shaved truffles (ok it might not have been exactly in that order, but that’s what you get). See the beautiful picture on Zagat’s website (It’s better than the one I took).

3) Because of the truffle oil, these donuts have a very limited lifespan. So don’t expect to eat it in an hour, ‘cause it will be soggy. In the end, I walked over to The Fat Shallot a few blocks a way and shared the donut with Sarah and crew.

This donut was delicious, and I love Do-Rite. That said, I think this will be the last time I spend that amount on a donut.